Part 1 is here
It’s going to be daunting task. I know. My master has instructed me to walk you through the heaven while he could just follow me enjoying it’s elegance.
In all probabilities the place is magical and captivating on it’s own and my words will soon be a lost drop of water in the Volcano :-)
“We have to run the entire day with just 2 cameras and a handy cam. Don’t waste the battery. We have a lot to cover. Restrict the usage only on astonishing scenes”. The instructions were ultra clear.
The heavy motor GMC vehicle slowed down as we approached the West entrance barricade of the wonderland. An old forest officer was at the check post. He welcomed our crew with a warm smile and was enquiring about our plans. A week’s pass should work the best for you, he told. And it’s 25$. Per entrant? No…. For everyone put together. Now that’s astonishing. But we didn’t capture it on our cameras. :)
We never knew that the admittance to eternity was so economical. Fair fare isn’t it?
Just 2 minutes into the arms of mother earth, we were bound by her grace and altruistic, affectionate hug. “Restrict the usage only on astonishing scenes!”. The master’s handy cam opened it’s lenses without a second thought. And so did we.
Coniferous trees, tall distant mountains with a snow cap (sulfur cap?), beautiful sky, mild breeze and fantastic driver. What more can you ask for?
“Men may come and men may go but I go on forever…” sang the little rivulet as it came along with us to guide us through the park (forest?), trying to prove it’s immortality. You aren’t invincible too I thought. Another 100 years, you might be under a sky scrapper. Oh! Did I miss something here? Do you still exist that way? Just like God… ? For people who believe only in obvious but fail to realize the depth of truth? Now don’t think too much and relish the excellence of nature. I told myself.
We stopped, took some snaps and started once again.
As we moved further into her broad arms, we realized that mother earth is not so peaceful always. She was turbulent too at times. She was furiously fuming at a few who played with her patience over the years. But she was fuming helplessly at a wrong place for injustice met to her at various other places. The sad part is, many of her own children are the culprits. The saddest part is, not so many knows that she is furious.
Wait… wait… wait… I wanted to convey something else and I am deviating… please disregard the previous passage…!
Well! That was a sight to watch…
Greeneries on one side and fuming sulfur on the other. Was that really sulfur? I was asking HM. Obviously he should be knowing Chemistry and geography. ;-)
I was also thinking about the “KoLLivaai pisaasugaL” of ancient Tamil Nadu. He was thinking too, about my question on the composition of the fuming land…
And even before he could answer, I got it… The rotten egg smelling gas evolved and I knew from my little education that it was hydrogen sulfide. :-)
Jai pulled over the vehicle and we halted. We started to move on the trail discussing multiple things… The project was gearing up towards execution….
The journey will continue…..